
  • 58 parcels covering 15.5 acres with average size 0.27 acres. 45% of buildings are mixed use.

  • 401,510 square feet resulting in an FAR of 0.595.

  • Boasting only 2.06% overall vacancy, there are no retail or hospitvlity vacancies, only misc small office vacsncies.

Tenants by Category

This is a well balanced neighborhood across categories. At 401,510 square feet of space, it is a nicely sized district that has some if its own gravity and is spread across two main streets and bleeds into the side streets a bit making it feel really integrated into the surrounding neighborhood.

Dustin Sommer

“Information Models are changing the way we analyze development. They unearth traditionally unseen connections.”

Categories by SF

Despite residential having the most units, the unit size of apartments is generally smaller than the other categories. This neighborhood is known for small footprint boutique spaces in the 1,500 - 2,000 SF range.